Win Stuff

Susan Sontag models a stunning Bonds creation, except that it has some crappy pink thing on it, which you won't get. Maybe.

New Duck Pressure, Non Drip Poultice, Neutered Damask Poodle, Nunchukka Dairy Police....what does NDP stand for?

You could care less? No need to get all mean, buddy. Looks like you could do with some snappy threads from Australian clobber wizards, Bonds. The NDP wholly endorses the Bonds stretchy T, introduced to the band by the guitarist, then mindlessly plagiarised by the others, bunch of nongs that they are...
We have 10 of these style icons along with 10 autographed copies of our multi-platinum CD to give away to the first, um, 10 entries that make us giggle like retired army colonels in cocktail dresses. Send your entry to:
along with your answer to this question: "Which member of the NDP would you most like to 'do'?" The first correct answer to this question will also receive a CD of their choice from the collection of our bass player, David J. Moss (he'll let you know what he's got, and we can take it from there. Splendid.).

Free MP3

An NDP fan typically enjoys our download while forgetting to wear many clothes.

Your free full-length MP3 of Settle Down from The Maudlin The Merrier is available from the excellent folks at . If you like it, drop us a line. Better still, buy the CD and gain that deep inner glow shared by owners of top-notch Australian rock everywhere. And if you don't, get a big brown dog up yer...